AMINA is a small Austrian non-profit organisation founded in 2003 with two employees, a voluntary board and its headquarters in Vienna. We are dedicated to help people in need through development assistance. Our medium-term projects enable them to cope with their plight and develop survival strategies of their own.
AMINA’s focus
Our focus lies on supporting especially disadvantaged groups such as children, women, old, sick and disabled people. AMINA undertakes projects with support from public and private donors, for instance in the field of health, nutrition, water and sanitation.
In the moment our projects are located in Ethiopia, Georgia, Kenya, Niger, Moldova, Mozambique and Senegal.
AMINA is certified with the „Österreichisches Spendengütesiegel“ which guarantees that all donations are used according to their dedication.
In addition all donations are tax deductible in Austria.
Bank Account: Bank Austria IBAN: AT26 1200 0100 0354 5588 BIC: BKAUATWW
Online Donations
Partners and Donors
ACORD (Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development), Ethiopia
AMTO (Association des Méres et Tutrices des Orphelins), Niger
AMURT Mozambique
KNEF (Kanacho Nomadic Educational Foundation), Kenya
Neoumanist Association for Education, Moldova
Rizwan Adatia Foundation, Mozambique
Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC)
The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)
For more information please contact:
AMINA – Active for People in Need Austria
Hütteldorfer Strasse 253a
1140 Vienna, Austria
j.frank@aktivfuermenschen.at (Office Manager)
g.hoedl@aktivfuermenschen.at (Projects South + East)
Tel.: 0043 (0) 1 929 16 701
Mobile: 0043 699 170 73 413